
Javascript Admin Panel With Free Source Code Hello friends, welcome to today’s amazing blog post. Today we have created a great project for you which is very amazing. The name of this project is Admin Panel which has been created in an advanced way. In this project, we have used a lot of JavaScript because this project has been created with more JavaScript. In this admin panel, we have used Bootstrap along with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.This admin panel works animated and completely live. The dashboard of this panel works completely and the special thing about this project is that…

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Krishna Janmashtami Python Project Source Code Hello friends, my name is Gautam Prajapati and welcome to my new blog post. Today’s project is going to be very great because today we have made a project on Krishna Janmastami and this project has been made with Python. It is easier to make such projects in Python. If you have a little knowledge of Python, then you can easily make such projects. Friends, to do this project, you must have some knowledge of Python, otherwise you will not be able to run this Krishna Janmastami project Python.Importent 👇👇So friends, to run the…

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Best Login Form Using Html Css And Javascript Hello friends, welcome to my website. Today we have created a great project for you which is a login and sign up form. This form is very amazing. In this we have used two different colors in the background, due to which our login form looks very good. Friends, we have created this sign up form with the help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. index.html Login Form Signup Form Login Signup Forgot password? Not a member? Signup now style.css @import url(“,500,600,700&display=swap”); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: “Poppins”, sans-serif;…

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Amazing Id Card Design Using Html Css Hello friends, my name is Gautam and welcome to my website. Today we have designed a great ID card for you which is quite amazing. We have made this ID card using HTML and CSS. Making this ID card is a very easy task. You need an image to make this ID card and you should have a little knowledge of CSS, then you can also make this type of ID card.We have used some color in this ID background and also used shadow in the box of the ID card, due to…

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Independence Day Project Using Html Css And Javascript Hello developers friends, welcome to this new project today, today we have made a great project for you friends, you must know that Independence Day is about to come, which is a matter of great pride for Indians, so in this happiness we have made the tricolor of our country India, which we have made with the help of HTML CSS and JavaScript, which is a very amazing project index.html Independence Day Animation style.css body { padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #000000; overflow: hidden; } .container { height: 700px; width: 700px; position:…

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Breakout Game Using HTML CSS Javascript Hello friends, welcome to my new post. Today we have made a game for you, whose name is Breakout Game. To make this game, we have taken the help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Friends, making this game is a very easy task. Breakout Game HTML Code Document Enable Autoplay? Press ‘Esc’ to pause the game Breakout Game CSS Code * { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: slateblue; } canvas { background-color: black; display: block; margin: 90px auto; } #lose-message { font-size: 2em; text-align: center; margin: 10px; color: red; font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; display:…

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Responsive Education Website Using Html Css and Javascript Hello friends, welcome all you developer friends to my new blogspot. Today we have created a great project for you which is fully responsive and is an education website which is made with the help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This website is quite good and beautiful. Education Website HTML Code Responsive Education Website Programmergoutam Home Courses Features Privacy Policy Contact Us Let’s Make Learning Fun Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi nihil eum culpa, quisquam dolores porro voluptate expedita illo doloribus nulla. Corporis fugiat sed excepturi odio, odit…

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Amazing Portfolio Website Using Tailwind CSS Table of Contents Hello friends, in this new project we have created a great portfolio website for you which is fully responsive and in this you can add your content like programming related projects and share them.Friends, we have created this portfolio with the help of Tailwind CSS. In this portfolio, we have first created a landing page which you can also call a home page, in the header of which we have added some buttons like contact, login etc. So if someone clicks on these buttons, then he goes to the landing page,…

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Responsive Blog Website Design Using Html Css All of you developers friends are welcome to my new blog post. Today we have created a great blog website for you in which we have added many different sections like team section, pricing section etc. Our website is looking very great and good due to these sections.Friends, we have created this website with the help of HTML and Triwind CSS. Friends, if you take the help of Triwind, then your website is made very quickly and easily.In this blog website, we have created some different files which cannot be uploaded here together,…

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Best Portfolio Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript Table of Contents Hello friends, today we have created a portfolio website for you in which you can post your projects blog posts. This portfolio website is very amazing. In this we have created a section on the side. You must have seen many websites in which the menu button and logo are placed in the header, but we have added this work in the side section in our portfolio which is quite amazing. In this we have added some buttons and the logo of the website i.e. your own logo…

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